K1 Hand
Designed by Evan Keuster
3D printed by Joe Farrell
on a Creality CR-10 S5
using PLA
at medium resolution
100% scale
Narrative and slicer settings follw the pictures.
Click on the pictures for enlargments.
I printed replacement parts for the:
Pinkie Finger
Finger Pins
Wrist Pins
I am very new to 3D printing. This was my second project.
So fsr, I have been printing directly to glass, with no brims skirts or adhesives.
I did this print in three runs
The first run I loaded up all the parts on the bed and got the pins.
The second run, I slowed the speed down by 50 percent and printed the palm and gauntlet in one go.
In the third stage, I printed the fingers individually, starting with a brim of 7 and increasing to 14 to finish.